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Strata Talks: Deep-tech metrics: how to build relevant metrics for pre-revenue startups

In this session held on March 14, 2023 innovation experts presented and discussed about relevant metrics for deep tech startups:

Investors and funding agencies ask for metrics. Potential customers ask for metrics. However, deep tech startups struggle to find relevant metrics to prove traction.

 For this reason, we prepared an informal and free session in which experts presented and discussed about relevant metrics for pre-revenue startups. The session lasted one hour and it was an online event via Zoom Meetings.

We counted on three different experts with expertise on startups, funding, innovation and IP.



9” David Arias – Startup Advisor

9” Rafael Zaballa – Innovation Expert   

9” Aracelia Tamariz – Innovation & IP Manager


The event was hosted by Strata Innovation & Growth and FundingTrip.

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Do you want to know more? Download our presentation!

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